Innovative Products

Innovative Products

AEII has searched worldwide for innovative products and services we can provide our clients with a competitive edge.

The products we have uncovered are designed to be the best of the best and provide the greatest return on investment.

Keep checking back in this area because we are constantly adding new products which may provide you with the edge on your competition you are looking for.

Products, Services, and Business Solutions Listing:

The BOSs

There is no other resource available to date that includes this comprehensive knowledge base to improve your business. The Knowledge Base in The BOSs is filled with Industry Forms, procedures, best practices, pay plans, job descriptions, and even training programs to allow you to improve your business… For complete information and a free 30 day Guest Membership click The BOSs above or in the left menu.

Pre-Employment Screening

One of the biggest mistakes made by business owners is to not utilizing pre-employment screening tools that are available to them, to improve the success of their new hires.

Have you hired someone and later found they are nothing as they seemed during the interview ?
Have you had to terminate someone because they didn’t fit into the job ?

The Pre-employment Screening tools will provide you with information you never had … before you hire the wrong candidate. The Step One Survey is a very cost effective solution to your pre-hiring challenges. For more complete information click Pre-Employment Screening above or in the left menu.

Software Solutions

We have researched and tested many software solutions for our Industry. Many we have found solve many of the common daily problems you are facing. We will continue to research and test software solutions, and we can provide you with answers to your questions as well as support your needs. For a current listing of the latest innovations in software click Software Solutions above or in the left menu.

Marketing Solutions

Do you want to increase your market share ? Are you looking for a solution to manage your marketing personnel or outsourced service ? We have partnered with a leading CRM software developer, Aleconn, to design and develop a web based solution to manage your marketing efforts and track the activities and results.

The program is called Sales Plusand a free demo is available as well as we offer free Webinars on a regular basis. If you would like to see a how the program can provide you with the competitive edge in your market, click on the Webinar link for our scheduled live demonstrations or contact us at:

Quality Improvement

Never before has the need to improve operating processes been so strong. Competition is great to improve efficiencies, cycle time, consistency, while reducing costs to improve profits. Utilizing an internationally recognized system of quality standards will allow your organization to reduce costs and increase quality. These quality standards have proven their effectiveness worldwide time and time again.

For more complete information click Quality Improvement above or in the left menu.

Shop Equipment

There are hundreds of innovative products available to our Industry that you simply may have not seen or heard of yet. We continuously look for new and better ideas and products worldwide. Many times these innovative products just don’t have the ability to market nationwide or in this Country. We work directly with the manufacturers to make them available to you.

For a current listing of the latest innovations in Shop Equipment click Shop Equipment above or in the left menu.

Quality Improvement Product Link: Click Here

Cost Reduction

One of the key elements of improving profits is to constantly examine costs of doing business and strive to reduce them while improving them. This is a task many small business owners just never get around to. When we work with clients worldwide, we examine these areas to reduce costs and increase the quality of the offering while at the same time improve profitability.

The main reason most small business owners can not achieve the same results as we do, is because they are too busy running their business, and simply do not have the resources to look for the best solutions. This year we are examining many cost areas and will provide solutions that will certainly improve your bottom line … yet cost you basically nothing.

Allow us to do a cost analysis for you in key areas of your business … I am sure you will be surprised.

The following are preferred programs we have highly recommended to clients throughout North America:

Employee Benefits

Leasing and Financing


Bad Check Collections

Rental and Loaner Car Programs